Thursday, March 28, 2013

In general, however, alternative newspapers in large markets

France and the U.”In general, however, alternative newspapers in large markets, like Boston, are not flourishing at the level of their counterparts in smaller, less competitive cities, Shackelford added.Merkel condemned the regime of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad for committing “repeated bloodbaths” in two years of conflict."I doubt that that's because that's what they really want, but that's what they really need to provide for their families," Parker said in an interview.New Yorker staff writer Susan Orlean, one of many prominent journalists whose career started at the Boston Phoenix, said from Los Angeles, “It’s like finding out your college has gone bankrupt and is gone.K.News of the Phoenix’s closure only six months after the format change blindsided even alternative media insiders. brushed off internal warnings and misled regulators and investors about the scope of losses on its "London whale" trades last year, according to a scathing Senate report.The question that worries Shackelford is whether another news outlet will “speak truth to power” in the way the Boston Phoenix, which started as Boston After Dark, did for 47 years.City Attorney Carmen Trutanich said the truck compensation was one of the fastest resolutions of a case he can remember in his term.Inside the dishwasher said, because you won't mandarin, can't go to front desk work, "smell the bad smell every day I have a headache, too bad.The debate intensified this month with Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg's new book "Lean In" pushing women to take on leadership roles."Margie's still very emotionally impacted and Emma is suffering from her injuries," Jonas said.One risk gauge at the largest U.The intelligence chief claimed that Iran and Hezbollah have increased their assistance to Assad, each dispatching 50,000 fighters to bolster Syrian military's operations over the past six months.

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