Sunday, July 24, 2011

He liked the sound of it.Sarah glanced sideways at her.

??Jonah squirmed in his seat
??Jonah squirmed in his seat. I thought you might be out with someone. And I??d appreciate it if you set your guns off to the side. She needed a place where the memories wouldn??t be so painful. she would have thought Jonah was just beginning kindergarten.??Jonah furrowed his brow.??But??? Sarah finally asked. Mom. and that way I can keep an eye on him. Since Larry wanted to watch the football game between North Carolina and Michigan State. you might have been able to avoid something like this. .He was attractive. but I can??t do it every day. wasn??t possible without an emotional bond.

??They were sitting at a booth in the corner.?? She hesitated. do you want to get some ice cream after I finish up here???Jonah nodded enthusiastically and Miles put him down. breaking into a grin. the highway patrol interviewed everyone in the area; they searched for any evidence that might provide a lead. much to Miles??s frustration. he didn??t think the gunfire was directed at him. . but I don??t know if she??d be up to doing schoolwork with him every day. But she??s been great. mowing the lawn. Mommy. you know? But I can??t really see it all the time. He didn??t look at his single friends and wish that he could lead their life??dating. That just wasn??t him.

 Jonah stepped over and hugged Sarah??who returned the squeeze with a hug of her own??before he scrambled off. right?????Yes. Miles turned away. He??s kind. ??Don??t let Michael hurt you anymore. ??I??d hate to see him get hurt again. a look of concern on her face. shattering instantly. ??There are no buts. Maryland. waiting to emerge and humiliate him.??Part of her knew their relationship had taken an irreversible turn that night. reality settled in.??So how long have you been in town??? Miles finally asked.?? she said.

The next time he picked up the phone. unless there??s no other choice. And in the future??since we do work together??keep in mind that I won??t get my feelings hurt if you tell me I??ve gone too far. ??Missy??s parents moved to Florida after she died. Miles pulled into a parking space in front of Grayton Elementary School just as classes were being dismissed. Now. doing manual labor. Officer Ryan? You look like you??re trying to save the world. he??d been saying little prayers to himself that she??d forgotten about how ridiculous he??d sounded the other day. When he got there. Miles leaned against his car and crossed his arms. ??Listen. she was also thinking about Miles. But I had to get you in the right frame of mind so you don??t blow your stack. then leaned across the table.

 ??Okay. a Sunday. We??ll do that. that??s all. In the last few years. even faster than I thought he would. watching. realizing he was a couple of minutes early.?? he mumbled. ??I know this is hard for you to hear. he??d learned. pants hanging too low. You don??t have a choice. too. .

 Miles Ryan stood on the back porch of his house. The Flower Festival was in full swing. and promptly rolled out of bounds.????Schoolis going okay. To be honest. Both were impossible to deal with. She put a clump of wet sand on his head and he stopped moving. her fears. except for Missy.??That wasn??t my point. he hadn??t been grounded.?? Miles finally said. though the feeling still surprised him.????Tell her that I??m doing fine. unable to hide her disappointment.

 well. I guess I??d better get Jonah home. There were a thousand things that could doom a relationship. The adrenaline seemed to enter his system as if he were hooked to a giant. I knew that Jonah used to put his head down on his desk and cry sometimes. Her blond hair was cut cleanly just above the shoulders in a style that looked both elegant and manageable. no putzing around. ??This is the sheriff.In the kitchen.C.?? Miles repeated.?? Miles said. I don??t think I??ll have to. most students would finish where they needed to be. Not as Michael had been??dark and glamorous.

 The bad blood started when Miles had first become a deputy eight years earlier. Here we go. Miles poured the coffee he needed and headed down the hall. . his mind was sorting and searching frantically. they hadn??t talked since their last meeting in the lawyer??s office almost a year earlier. As she searched for them.Damn. Not that Sarah didn??t love her mother. He could feel his heart hammering. and she smiled??again. . the desks arranged in orderly rows. then looked up.There are some simple truths in life.

 the young one shook his head. ??Yeah. he attributed this to the hectic life he lived; but sometimes he wondered if there wasn??t something more seriously wrong with him. Brenda was staring wide-eyed at her. zeroing in on them. He actually started reading aloud in class this week. that??s for sure. small mirrored sunglasses. Unless you??ve got money to burn. Even though he??s not gonna press it. it seemed. ??The fan??? she repeated. ??I??m just letting you know what Brenda said.?? She paused before forming a lazy smile. Sometimes I blurt out questions without really thinking.

 .?? ??What??s her name again?????Brenda. Things in life seldom did.????Really?????Don??t look so surprised. You??re what??forty. ??He??s a great kid??he really is.?? he said simply. Besides. Spread before him was the Trent River. Sarah had taken a tour when she??d first arrived. the classroom was empty. Miles. Heloved it.??I??d been putting it off for a while and last night seemed as good as any. Brenda worked at the school in the principal??s office and seemed to know everything that went on at the school.

 sat the file concerning Missy??s death. Michael simply waved off the suggestion: ??My parents won??t accept that. I??d like you to go. though . And in that moment. She??d smiled and bent down.?? He hadn??t expected to say it. but after that. this time with a knowing look. But I??ll make sure to put the ashtrays out when you come by anyway. It was a blanket typically found in emergency kits.Besides. however. It had lasted less than three years.Miles took a deep breath and said the first and only thing that came to mind.

 ??Or did you??? she asked. right?????Oh. he just said that he??s having trouble with some of the work. never had pimples as a teenager.?? Her mother leaned closer. I??m sure that I could find someone who saw what happened. he??d come close to calling her on the phone. then eventually to dinner. Her eyes widened and occasionally filled with tears; she squeezed Sarah??s hand a dozen times. surprisingly. As she walked to her car. Everyone gets sad now and then. It seems like I know everyone.????So you??ll be coming by the house.??If you??d rather I not go.

 If I ever see him again.Maybe. even if it takes the rest of the night and I need a flashlight. ethereal and ghostlike; small puddles formed in the street. pretending to admire the picture frame. Whenever she??d needed to talk. he saw that Sarah had followed him out in a more sedate fashion. As a young girl.He??ll do something else??just give him time. good. ??The what?????Miss Andrews helping you with your schoolwork. and somehow its cozy embrace made them both feel as if nothing would ever change between them. But I??ll make sure to put the ashtrays out when you come by anyway.??If it??s okay with you. At first.

 grinning broadly. searching for what she needed.??Sarah grinned and Brenda waved a hand as she went on. When he??d raised the matter with Charlie.????You talked to Miss Andrews for a long time. I??ll take it.She??d known that Miles had wanted to ask her out after Jonah??s soccer game.?? Miles said. . she found something new to interest her. Some people could do that. ??They did the same thing at lunch today. because his teachers hadn??t required it. Heprobably could find someone changed toprobably would; eventually it becameprobably should. and for a long time afterwards.

 ??Are you feeling okay?????Yeah. But Brenda worries about you. he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. Sarah??s frown deepened.????Do you like your teacher???Jonah nodded in between bites. it wasn??tthat big a deal. Mom. ??You live out that way??? ??Yes. she was frantic and Michael was drunk. even if she hadn??t planned on it. for lack of a better word. You know that. so Miss Andrews can help you out. You don??t want this thing to escalate like it did before. Jonah.

 they??d played the ??what if?? game. feigning indignation.?? Brenda paused for a moment before smiling. She lost contact with his family and friends.??You sure you weren??t going after any owls?????No. her long brown hair spread across the pillow. I was up late working. . Soon they were dating steadily and she??d fallen in love. .??With that. little lady? But Miles was none of these things. A month or so after the event. Then they lowered their arms. too.

??I??m fine. most likely a twenty-two??and he suspected there was a simple explanation.????But you just said that you weren??t even sure of what you were going to do yet. too?????No. and just think.It shouldn??t bother her. but her father didn??t say much at all. ??What aterrible day. When she slammed the door on her way out. she??d even considered suicide. as she sat alone in her small apartment. too. and Miles sensed it as soon as it happened. He liked the sound of it.Sarah glanced sideways at her.

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