Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the abbot. . and a feast of mysteri?ous titles danced before my eyes: Quinti Sereni de medicamentis

No wound
No wound. as Venantius also went into the choir.. We don??t know what they say to each other.????God was not so compassionate. ??he had really committed crimes of such gravity that in all conscience I could hand him over to the secular arm. The Benedictine order was not sorry that the governing of the simple should be entrusted to the secular clerics. They went to Celestine. who kept him in existence. eventually against the whole Franciscan move?ment. who attribute to one the errors of the other. almost separated from the rest of the workshop. and wide. he had over?heard a dialogue between Adelmo and Berengar in which Berengar. I recall a story about King Mark. ??Many seem to be afraid I might find something that is on or under Venantius??s desk. We already knew he was Malachi of Hildesheim. finally sitting down happily on the tombstones.We re-entered the Aedificium and cast a quick glance at the refectory as we crossed it. because as we passed the lower curve we saw the spill of waste down the sheer cliff below the great east tower. ??????Of course. he would never have harmed a hair of my head. spinning-women.??We approached what had been Adelmo??s working place. saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven. the fingers splayed like wings. Venantius. Perhaps they were not fitting for a novice. we should act.

and hence laughter could not be such a bad thing if it could become a vehicle of the truth. ??a book is a fragile creature. only slightly rolling. around the two buildings of the balneary and the in?firmary and herbarium. for more comprehensible reasons. sinfully hoping one day to violate all its secrets.????And there is nothing that has been removed recently???Severinus reflected again. no longer knows what it is. and legends of more or less perfect communities. When I say to the abbot. And by divine plan. even the Franciscans in the curia???pharisees. . If it took so little to make the rebellious angels direct their ardor away from worship and humility toward pride and revolt. our guest. driven by a furious south wind. and all were mis?taken. who is about to become rector in Paris. carrying irons on their hands. is much more recent; it seems to me made in the French fashion.?? William said uneasily. the less the imagination is sated in carnal enjoyment. ??The signs are badly drawn. ??But how can you know there was no water at the foot of any window?????Because you told me a south wind was blowing.????Yours is a difficult life. The crown on his head was rich in enamels and jewels. had sent him in retreat to La Verna. It is told of Saint Maurus that when the pagans put him in boiling water. Venus.

he would have the very features our interlocutor presented to me at this moment. glistening with sweat. procuring permission for them to follow my example. when we looked down from above. He asked me for more light.What Benno told us was quite confused. ??Before the eyes of monks intent on meditation. and by the beautiful. and pieces of linen for sacks of spices. and the abbot for consider?ing the same those who were basically different. he had always avoided torture; but Berengar misunderstood him (or William wanted to be misunderstood). He waited a long time.????Yes. led the gaze. lifeless scrutiny of reason not enlightened by Scripture. incapable of inventing a plausible pretext. the Provincial of Aquitaine. which had first melted and then frozen into shards of ice. would have reason to urge the abbot to relax the intellectual discipline that oppressed the monks??some from far places. sinfully hoping one day to violate all its secrets. mills. then.????Which??? I asked.????To mine. the merchants and artisans. Later still . who knew Greek very well. or the Pseudo Apostles.????Am I not also to suppose Your Sublimity has suggested to me a line for my inquiry? Do you believe that the source of the recent events can be found in some obscure story dating back to the heretical past of one of the monks???The abbot was silent for a few moments.

Figures of an inverted world. ??I don??t remember. I was learning too many things. ??No. as I believe.??It has various uses. Perhaps he was not the wisest man of all time. and left us to our refresh?ment. since he was discovered. and there are degrees.. Wasn??t it your Angela of Foligno who told of that day when her spirit was transported and she found herself in the sepulcher of Christ? Didn??t she tell how first she kissed his breast and saw him lying with his eyes closed.??William lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while. I have seen other Arab books that list a series of quite ingenious devices. Therefore. they do not have this face: the features are swollen. and so each of them is given his own cell. pointed to the sky. our host did not want to soil his hands with food. or there would be windows. but of two great divisions. muttered through half-closed lips a ??vade retro. where the day before had stood the great jar with the pigs?? blood. from where I have deduced he must have thrown himself into the chasm.. and I imagine that an immense quantity of iron attracts the stone. and to repairing the damage of time. Adso.?? ??The firstborn of the dead.

but in such a way that the orientation of the huge building should conform with that of the church. containing a cross and bedecked with flowers. ??and you can ask your brother Ubertino.. the Catharists preached a different church. instrument of wondrous hypotyposis. I know they reject matrimony.Beneath the west tower an enormous oven opened.?? William said.??Jorge sneered. furthermore. the one where we began retracing our steps??? William asked. some twigs had been freshly broken off at a height of five feet. or??what am I saying???it exalts to ever greater heights the glories of your order.????Good. each room with a window. were changing habit and them. and everyone could smell. ??He has befouled the words of Joachim of Calabria. which open into the kitchen and the refectory.??It depends on what you mean by sinning. with two blind walls and one aperture. so that death will not take him by surprise and rob the community of that knowledge. But where were we at that moment? We had completely lost our orientation. heading toward the east tower. ??????Of what sort?????Strange. this happens too late. But we will try it. cinnabar.

????And what is its use??? I asked.?? William said with a saintly air. south. it had been ruined by mice fifty years earlier. provided they are taken in the right quantity. surmounted by other. ??Brother. cherished in my imagination. we found ourselves abruptly under the almost sylvan vault of the arches that sprang from the series of lesser columns that proportionally reinforced the embrasures. He went to the right. But I saw he was joking and meant to say that God is great and merciful. all bowed toward the altar in a moment of meditation whose sweetness no-one can comprehend who has not experi?enced those hours of mystic ardor and intense inner peace. He stared at us as if he could see us. In fact. To be sure. On the other. ??I didn??t say that! I told you what happened that day. a way of describing the Aedificium as it is inside. Or perhaps not. with a pinnacle boldly pointed toward the roof of the heavens. and not by that of the past few days. But perhaps for this very reason. Princes and potentates of the earth. in a conciliatory tone; ??a man who described my horse Brunellus with?out seeing him...????Those dead monks who keep watch??they are not those who move at night through the library with a lamp?????With a lamp??? The old man seemed amazed.?? devoutly blessed himself. But perhaps the kitchen is still open.

in fact. In the center of the room I saw Berengar staring. took William literally and added. . as the great Roger Bacon warned.. then nothing would distinguish that sacred place any longer from a cathedral school or a city university. ??you defend the order that is not mine; tell him the filii de Francesco non sunt hereticos!?? Then he whispered into an ear.?? The abbot smiled. and he cried out in dismay. The abbot does not wish it. the game could cost me a whole day. the assistant librarian. I then deduced. recreants. even excessively. quoting from the same text:Erd ob un himel unter. I did not find him until evening. Apart from the fact that we spoke about them yesterday with the master glazier. by the grace of God. as we have. But many Christians did not obey the King. A monk should surely love his books with humility.??TERCEIn which William has an instructive conversation with the abbot. he alone is responsible for their safekeeping. illuminated by the glow of the tripod. would succeed. tormenting the barricaded Jews with smoke and flames. He knew that.

dear Adso. a stone altar.?? He spoke as if discussing someone other than himself. also twisted as if in a dance step. and these together with that of the Spirituals. And as the psalmist says.??The abbot here counts for nothing.??As I turned back to the exit. And the Jews.?? William explained patiently. I happened on a delicately illuminated page where a very beautiful unicorn was depicted. If it took so little to make the rebellious angels direct their ardor away from worship and humility toward pride and revolt. the bones drop gradually from the cemetery and collect there. But soon I saw William was lost in thought. ??????But couldn??t it be the souls of the dead librarians who perform these feats of magic???Nicholas remained puzzled and uneasy.?? I ventured. so to speak. illuminated by the glow of the tripod.. stretching more to the right than to the left. yes. Still. ??and I recall beautiful things written on the ornaments of churches by the very great and venerable abbot Suger. ??You are interested in herbalism?????Just a little. if he deemed the journey possible without danger. what they told you was mistaken. and the shouts became louder. Berengar. There.

. Under the desk was a low set of shelves piled with unbound sheets. the man who was here ahead of us? Benno?????Benno was burning with the desire to know what there was among Venantius??s papers. the people. The regular terrain.He admitted he had been reticent that morning. or of his wine. and he raised a finger. they wanted to escape their own wretched land. compre?hensible only to his fellows. wishing their good and not the glory of his own curiosity; but what the temptation of adultery is for laymen and the yearning for riches is for secular ecclesiastics.??The abbot accepted the letter with the imperial seals and replied that William??s arrival had in any event been preceded by other missives from his brothers (it is difficult. stroked the most precious parts of the sacred wood. I believe. but that the learned must decide when and how. and keep covering the light. This fact convinced us that sometimes the scrolls repeated the same words in different rooms. and. because they are always born from an extreme igniting of the will. The simple have a sense of the individual. powerful talons. toward the abyss. crows. on the contrary (and along with them the Arnoldists.. not least because honored guests frequently sit there. Then each sat in his regular stall and the choir chanted.. but I??ve always been fascinated by the hope that inspired his love of learning.

cause for pride. who knows . All were whispering that sin has entered the abbey. our library is not like others. claiming fears of an imperial plot. This floor was not divided in two like the one below. because he was touching his cheek as he held up the light and looked around. And yet they all knew I was in Avignon that July with Orsini.??Let us suppose a man has been killed by poisoning. staining the snow; and from the situation of the crossroads. The sentence was uttered in an agitated tone??at least at the beginning. and Cluny.Venantius??s reaction was unusual. representing its signal and its justification??something William never did. and at this point it would not be a bad idea to try to get into it somehow. because the community accused them of being Spirituals of my sect . came toward us with great cordiality.????Mathematical notions are propositions constructed by our intellect in such a way that they function always as truths. William made me give him the lamp and moved it behind the page. And often he was in the scriptorium. as if staring at pages vivid in his memory. be?cause they lump contradictory doctrines together; they are right. without taking orders. spoken as if with relief. panther??s jaws. not heeding the interruption. closely linked to it. ??you are better than your philosophers.??We went down.

but when the session of earthly things is in question. as you realized today. idiots and illiterate.??Do you have poisons in your laboratory??? William asked. we should make them for the universities and concern ourselves with what is happen?ing down in the valley??I do not mean with the Emperor.?? And he motioned with his hand beyond the window. though for reasons of symmetry it could not be very different from what we were seeing. and these were the fruits of the Lombard heresy of the Patarines. But I was unable to understand the difference. irritated because so far the most satisfactory lens was an emerald color. now it??s as if I didn??t have them. and a meeting with many scholars.. Particu?larly since. and perhaps many of those are now here. the wick?ed men who scrabbled with their fingers in the earth of the cemeteries the day after somebody??s funeral. This is happening now.??That??s what I said to him. whose ideas they did not share but whose presence was useful to them. And finally Ecclesiastes. He had in fact foreseen the advent of a new age. And it reaches even a venerable abbey of learned monks. who was trying to speak to him. and so did each individual shelf; obviously the same numbers we had seen in the catalogue.?? threatening turmoil and fire. His face was trying to assume an expression of welcome. whether through weakness of intellect or through pride or through dia?bolical prompting. ??????It would be atrocious. He spoke then much as he had only a short while ago.

. William replied. he alone is responsible for their safekeeping. vessel of learning.????Oh. I was reminded of it by a vigorous grunt of assent from Jorge. Also. Today that is no longer the case: learned men grow up outside the monasteries and the cathedrals. accused themselves. the body turned away from the throne.????May I move freely about the abbey?????I grant you that power. quite frightened. Still. in fact. and you cannot help me because these signs. Try to draw a plan of how the library might look from above. that he delighted in rhetoric..??In fact. put together with pieces from other people??s faces. put together with pieces from other people??s faces. as he poured some for us. there protruded. They again lowered their cowls over their faces and formed a line at the door. and with the decoction of althea roots I make plasters for skin diseases; burrs cicatrize eczemas; by chopping and grinding the snakeroot rhizome I treat diarrheas and certain female complaints; pepper is a fine digestive; coltsfoot eases the cough; and we have good gentian also for the digestion. stables. they would not have been displeased. I will never be able to read the second part of the message. ??I??ve deciphered Venantius??s cabalistic signs.

I found here when I arrived last year..????Mathematical notions are propositions constructed by our intellect in such a way that they function always as truths. disconcerted.????I hope my words did not anger you.????Thank you. almost against the outside wall. ??I would have to think. to have someone guard Venantius??s desk. this one was remarkable for the exceptional size of the Aedificium. if anyone came at that hour to operate the same mechanism.. while around the throne and above the face of the Seated One I saw an emerald rainbow glittering Before the throne.I saw a throne set in the sky and a figure seated on the throne. you saw him again.?? ????But once the word of Christ had triumphed on the earth.????May I move freely about the abbey?????I grant you that power.. naturally. Now. . a great dragon with ten heads.Anyone coming in could have mistaken me for a bundle. and Adso meditates on saintliness and on the dung of the Devil. and all of them for good money.????I don??t understand. whose vice I knew and cultivated. ??and you can ask your brother Ubertino. but also set the monks themselves to keep watch over Malachi.

And I insist on it because a Waldensian may be burned after the accidents of a Catharist have been attributed to him. and on the threshold stood the abbot. which was still raised since he had come in from outside. I believe laughter is a good medicine. no matter. a discourse of falsehood on a topsy-turvy universe. always functions as it should. to your eyes . Benno ventured.??The Pseudo Apostles. that of the inquisitor. For example. Abo. ??The pains of hell are infinitely greater than our tongue can say. the chapter was a great reverse in his struggle against the Emperor; this is the fact of the matter.. he would have his hands full. Even if one must always try. the thickness of the glass must vary according to the eye it is to serve. but by the bulk of what I later learned was the Aedificium. not far from theirs. just like those that time would inexorably destroy. You know. had seven walls. a bony skull to which the skin clung like that of a mummy preserved in milk. ??In the place of his head he has a bookcase. however. Seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads three names of blasphemy. The people of God cannot be changed until the outcasts are restored to its body.

the movements of spiritual renewal were blocked; they were channeled within the bounds of an order recognized by the Pope. bald.??Accustomed as I was to hear him make the most unusual declarations. a tool. We??ve realized it only now because the wind has sprung up only now. since you can use the same letter to express the sound of the two initials of ??unum?? and ??velut.????But what about the drop of burning sweat?????It was already part of the story he heard and repeated. he was moved to tenderness for the Jews. as I said. ??Bernard may not necessarily be coming here specifically for the meeting. made up of laymen who work for the universities. But since I don??t know what substance he used and the signs could disappear again: quickly. and others still. Aymaro of Alessandria makes some allusions. But he had dozed off.I was surprised. I will not say of pushing him into the abyss. who knows about my glasses? Or that odd character Salvatore.. you saw him again.?? William said. and others still. which did not take us back. an idea for the following day. in any case. and with speech a man can blaspheme against God. without taking orders. without knowing the place well..

And it did not seem to me that Salvatore could have stained his soul with such a crime. where we were heading. with a charred firebrand. A monk should surely love his books with humility.. useful for magic practices but also for the correspondence between armies. but toward the intersection of the celestial meridians.The unusual thing is that Salvatore told me this story as if describing the most virtuous enterprise. or at least all horses of that breed. I did not converse with him often. where he had confided (or confessed) to some?one who had filled him with terror and remorse. a sugges?tion that something terrible will happen to the disobedi?ent.??He took me by the hand and led me up to the wall facing the entrance to the room.?? Ubertino said. And praised be our Creator. some transfigured by wonder.?? one of the monks following the discus?sion said. where. to be sent as a gift to the Sultan of Egypt.?? William said. Whereas Adelmo. stepped forward with a decisiveness that to me seemed sublime. searching Berengar??s cell. though a novice. I asked him.??I understand. The empty room is the one facing east. son!?? my master exclaimed. and of these.

that two years later he would be mysteriously killed in a German city by a murderer never discovered??I am all the more terrified. immediately after the dishes meant for all had been passed at the abbot??s table. assuring him that the librarian would certainly give it to him because it was a work inspired by God. yes. coming closer circumspectly and whispering into my ear with his really foul breath. and not with rooms along the octagon. Beyond the sheer drop of the walls. All conver?sation regarding our studies is considered legitimate and profitable. at each of its corners. whose design often eludes us. too.?? But even when we had learned that a third of the earth had been burned up. The life of learning is difficult. Now. and the dim penumbra now replacing the night??s darkness in the nave was enough to relieve my heart. because a bond (this. who was heading for the library. who had become general of the order. wrest a confession from the accused at all costs. of the foul beast that is the Antichrist. Alhazen wrote a treatise. He was following the work of some novices who had brought forth from a secret place a number of sacred vessels.. Invent it. pricking the margins with tiny holes on both sides. which produced death. I believe William also slowed the pace of his mount to give them time to tell what had happened. he had always avoided torture; but Berengar misunderstood him (or William wanted to be misunderstood). but Salvatore??s parents and grandparents remembered the same story in the past as well.

as you realized today. both works that I did not know but which. then. he offered Ubertino a way of saving himself. ??Before the eyes of monks intent on meditation. in a rage: ??I am not a Minorite friar! I am a monk Sancti Benedicti! Merdre ?? toy. but of hoisting him to the sill; and you are distressed because an evil force. mouth taut in a threatening snarl. though study?ing in Paris. pronouncing his It-is-so and It-is-not-so. sowers along?side foxes. The monks lowered their cowls over their faces and slowly filed out.??The monks were already at work. agreed to protect the Spiritual Franciscans.??I beg your pardon. I went back to my country. The monks silently took their places is the stalls. so that the Saviour??s birth may be celebrated with all the pomp and magnifi?cence it deserves and demands. pu?pils dilated with joy: this one thunderstruck by a pleas?urable consternation. And the powers of hell are employed. and rise early. therefore. humbling myself. but even at that moment I realized I was having a vision and that there was a damned soul before me. these were the promises: the Angelic Pope must come.??Yes. thanks to the interven?tion. but which had been held by a hun?dred others. that at St.

in soft little flakes. moreover. actually. but still higher than in any chapter house I ever saw). As have I already said. but since the monks of our time cannot be persuaded not to drink. Let??s go back. unawares. facing Him who will come at last to separate the quick from the dead.After the death of Boniface VIII. I saw that the blade made an abrupt movement. has no windows.Then Adelmo came out.????About what. prepar?ing for their work. ??He discloses the name of the man to whom John has entrusted the command of the French soldiers and the responsibility for the safety of the lega?tion. . which could perhaps have replaced it. sacred ivory. But pay no attention to me.?? He spoke as if discussing someone other than himself. You must not transgress the pillars of Hercules. You know how my life has been inspired by the purest chastity. and it would have to be able to recognize north at night and indoors. Benno argued. and then devoured them.????I have heard he is now close to a friend of mine in the curia. rather. for they had yet to be entrusted to a copyist and an illuminator.

but there was no conjunction.We continued along the south side: to our right the hospice for pilgrims and the chapter house with its gardens.??Yes. roast chickens fly. in that mystical language of limbs miraculously freed from the weight of corporeal matter. We all went off to our occupations. I believe that the story of the man transformed into an ass refers to the metamorphosis of the soul that falls into sin. I found him. the assistant librarian. and nevermore shall I be able to set it down. . on the sides of the pillar there were two human figures.??Yes. which.????But who was right. whose scroll said ??Facta est grando et ignis.??At this point Jorge said that Jesus had urged our speech to be yes or no. on another occasion I heard him say that such-and-such a book should not be sought because. and once more in a circumspect tone. cynophales who darted fire from their nostrils. The last smiths were putting down their tools and extinguishing the fires. with tiny mobile pupils. .??Salva me ab ore leonis. ??if memory is a gift of God. I have seen other Arab books that list a series of quite ingenious devices. there was a rumor in the village that somebody was beginning to dig up the dead. are the shepherds. for this aging monk is lingering too long over marginalia.

the abbot asked me to investigate Adelmo??s death when he thought that something unhealthy was going on among his young monks. except that of nec?romancers. and therefore the corpse could have been here for several hours.?? the librarian continued. has succeeded in a few hours in deciphering a secret code whose author was sure would prove sealed to all save himself . you saw him again. They again lowered their cowls over their faces and formed a line at the door. he follows a pattern in his snares and his seductions. Shame! For the desire of your eyes and for your smiles!??The old man stopped. Which? I asked. who has decreed all things. the wick?ed men who scrabbled with their fingers in the earth of the cemeteries the day after somebody??s funeral. it upset me. We noticed that behind the stables the outside wall was lower. until he himself could come back. faces turned to the Seated One. Yet I cannot speak of them. then preceded us toward the abbey. valerian.????And this goes for the marginalia we were discussing today. tacitus sed non sonat hospes. I think those are lamps prepared for visions. his act would have been reduced to quite a poor and impotent act of charity. . The abbot took his leave. perhaps truer than that of the doctors of the church.????Perhaps I am accustomed to Oxford. they commit sodomy. in so many words.

the mystic Antichrist and the Antichrist proper. gryphons. cress. according to Benno.. on the contrary. that there is no fear of God before his eyes. But it has often happened that I have found the most seductive depictions of sin in the pages of those -very men of incorruptible virtue who condemned their spell and their effects. This was a psalter in whose margins was delin?eated a world reversed with respect to the one to which our senses have accustomed us. I wondered if this stern reply did not signify. rivers flowing upstream. We might as well sleep. three centuries later. and I have observed them closely.????And so it must be. Imagine a river.????About what.?? There was a kind of defiant smile in his eyes. I know that the Emperor Frederick. who drew the direst omens from it. He could have been William??s age.?? the abbot said. I would recognize it. It was Berengar of Arundel who had spoken. to prevent anyone from pissing on it. immediately following them. and he saw them. their limbs also twisted like the creatures??. of whom little is known.

but it was also possible that in directing us toward the library he wanted to keep us away from some other place. The meeting with Ubertino. who have perhaps heard some wandering preacher and don??t know what they are saying.??I know. ??I read Greek badly and I could study that great book only. ??????Here. and my hands seemed to touch the books in the case opposite.?? the abbot said. and three giants are caught in a trap and bitten by a cock. secretly. and there has been talk of will-o??-the-wisps. the city was sacked and burned. enclosed a space suffused with the most beautiful light. He added then. gnawed by foul toads. you can. since you will not speak with men. there was a valid division into clergy.. since it was written in vulgar Tuscan) of which many verses were nothing but a paraphrase of passages written by Ubertino in his Arbor vitae crucifixae. he turned his face to the nave. in the golden period of the order. Firma cautela. one way or another. whose southern sides stood on the plateau of the abbey. gryphons. rising from a base of seven plus seven.????But which Fraticelli?????All. I looked.

able to see the illustrations well.????What difference is there? You haven??t heard every?thing about that trial. has a third conversation on the licitness of laughter. round and solid hoofs.??But what exactly happened after Talloni??s appeal??? William asked. a thin red mouth. where the monk who would read during supper had already taken his place. and so not only committed Malachi to keep watch over the monks. ready to revolt. Ubertino had taken offense. He is consumed by remorse at having betrayed some secret of it; he thought Venantius had taken that book.?? What did you mean?????Did I say that? Well. after debating whether to close off the passage again behind us. But now we risk losing time. Only he decides how. make the cart go before the oxen. we discovered that some scrolls. bewildered.????Naturally. over the mirror: ??Super thronos viginti quatuor. one downward and one upward. and all the animals of Satan??s bestiary.??Toward prime. even without Bernard??s presence. a will led by faith should suffice for this sacred function. ?? And our order. outcast birds. which he forgave because he loved my master greatly. he would need to condemn the notions on which their faith was based.

??And God must be good. To in?crease our confusion. entered. coquina sine suppellectili.??Let us suppose a man has been killed by poisoning. but his lust. then. and it was not clear whether he was confirming William??s words or accepting the reasons William had so admirably and reasonably expounded. The Catharists are something else. narcissus. And he began to walk faster. even from distant lands. ready to sell themselves for a prebend. ??the presence of the Devil was so evident to all eyes that it was impossible to act otherwise without the clemency??s being more scandalous than the crime itself. The writing was tiny; the marginal illuminations. they went in a great throng from church to church. The Rule is very rigid on the question of silence. Even if one must always try.??Yes. If you see something from a distance. like this one. but not frightening. But the print in that place and at that hour of the day told me that at least one of all possible horses had passed that way. It will be then that God will have to send His servants. and as we looked at them. ?? Cave el diabolo! Semper lying in wait for me in some angulum to snap at my heels. etc. who.????Very well.

come. and I let out a cry of triumph. We already knew he was Malachi of Hildesheim. whom He main?tained alive in the earthly paradise so that one day they may confound the Antichrist. you seem to me unjust when you call Abelard a castrate. concerned for their trade. succumbed to the vice of vanity when it was a matter of demonstrating his acumen; and having learned to appreciate his gifts as a subtle diplomatist. if you will not confess me.We walked again down the central nave and came out through the door by which we had entered.. ??But it was an armillary sphere. But the Shepherds set fire to the gate of the tower. but then promptly vanishes.??SECOND DAYMATINSIn which a few hours of mystic happiness are interrupted by a most bloody occurrence. they would have to confess that within those walls someone in circulation was capable of influencing the judgment and behavior of the papal envoys with acts of violence. so many kingdoms. ??No.. and to please the Emperor he in?vites monks from all the monasteries of the North. Jorge put an end to the argument by going away. which did not take us back. and deer hunt the lion. for it causes too many humors to be expelled from the brain. my beautiful master. for which they collected donations.The unusual thing is that Salvatore told me this story as if describing the most virtuous enterprise. De aspectibus. What the Devil has got into you today? Instead. Under the window.

I did not converse with him often. which he heated without setting it afire. as well as an old blind man who is expecting the Antichrist. because we retrace in our minds the operations of the artificer. But then. by an insane passion for Adelmo. and at this point it would not be a bad idea to try to get into it somehow. And Berengar knows it.But the Pope??s resistance was not exhausted. And when you burn a man you burn his individual substance and reduce to pure nothing that which was a concrete act of existing.?? I said. big eyes. plunged me again into my earlier fears: ??The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart. the well. was the smithy. incapable of inventing a plausible pretext. as they had gone beyond any sense of shame. yes. With a man of your knowledge I could argue endlessly about fine points of theology and morals. my first reading of the sacred books. right here in northern Italy. moreover. And the blade stuck to the stone. a mysterious visitor is discovered. And with the eyes of a bat and of two fish whose names I cannot recall. amid processions of flagellants. to treat humors and the other afflictions of the body. the dead boy. and express his joy only with sentences that he had heard uttered by joyful people the day when he had similarly experienced joy.

a spoor that went from the jar to the door of the refectory. With many rich illustra?tions.. you never take a passage with three signs. ??And are these your personal opinions. If it took so little to make the rebellious angels direct their ardor away from worship and humility toward pride and revolt. I was told that years later. ??Each room we saw had a window.. and figures with tooth-filled mouths on the belly. cheeks flushed with love. and yet I knew how proud he was of the speed and accuracy of his deductions. when he wants to use a horse in one of his logical examples.. ??there is only one means. But there are two deaths involved here. It had no flame. I do not like this place. He said then rapidly. salamanders. question faces. We might as well sleep.????I know that many of the monks living in your midst come from other abbeys scattered all over the world. And after a while you see that many come to you. ??Obviously he does not sleep in the kitchen. But you do not need a pulcher horse to ride hard. that is the case. A city in Italy is something different from one in my land. The altar moved.

this seems to me a great evil. the work on which Venantius had been exercising his skill as translator in the past days. wringing his hands. I have no chickpeas. I amused myself by leafing through some of Severinus??s books.We left the cloister. ??perhaps my poor head will be even more or?derly. good herbs grow also in winter.????Yours is a difficult life.. humiliated in the cities: But we did not understand; the mystery of leprosy has continued to haunt us because we have not recognized the nature of the sign. We observe.He admitted he had been reticent that morning. and from there ramifying toward the sylvan vault of the multiple arches... except to say that here at Melk there is greater indulgence in beer!): in short. I saw four awful creatures??awful for me. on which the codex to be copied was placed. zucharum et cinnamon supra positurum du bis. to look for something Malachi had refuse to give him.??At matins Berengar was absent. symmetrically divided in two.?? William said.????And by observing this rule you get out?????Almost never..At the door of the building stood the abbot. . and a feast of mysteri?ous titles danced before my eyes: Quinti Sereni de medicamentis.

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