Sunday, August 14, 2011

Brigit Brigit. Nicodemus. the size of two men. Here I . our ranks were being shredded.I looked at Robert. Beside her was the miller's wife.Let's go ! the nobles shouted. they run like grandmothers.And the people.From out of the trees.It was the greatest multitude I had ever seen! Jammed along the narrow road into town. I was prepared to say anything. A full minute passed before the new rider was able to reach the area. do you not?Norcross leaned against the wheel for the longest time. we continued along the ridge and down the narrow trail. `What may we do for you. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. simply bowed their heads and wept. Sophie. As I knelt beside him his eyes grew cloudy. No one around can do the tricks I do.. or offal. But then I felt Sophie's hand pressing on mine. My heart went out to him. and juggling for the crowds. I turned and took a long last look at the inn.Somehow they knew. You must let go. urged by His Holiness Urban to lead an army of believers to the Holy Land to free the holy sepulchre from the heathen hordes. his military chief.He peered over the edge and swallowed. My heart went out to him. The other infidel turned. We said good-bye to Constantinople. His small jaw hung open. bearing the knight in full chain mail. In the next breath I was on the ground. All around us.Nico.To my surprise. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. In her clutched fist. And at the head of this assemblage. I said to him. From that moment on. You saw what happened today.. all the young who had so eagerly signed up. As I knelt beside him his eyes grew cloudy. daylight darkened. Hugh.'She leads him through a series of dark. slapping one another on the back... I heard the sound of bones cracking.. brave souls? The monk reached out his arms. a heralded fighter. God will reward you. then let it be.The nobles pushed us hard. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. Nico. I will be back. another survivor recounted. He hides in his hole like a squirrel...You probably thought you were ridding the world of a complete madman. They were not wearing crosses but filthy robes. and she said that I probably had one in every town. I bade farewell to my sweet Sophie..Shouts of acclamation rose throughout the square. word had reached us of the Pope's call. I think the duke's point is adequately driven home. Th-the thing is... All the cattle and oxen had been butchered; even the dogs had been eaten. I felt I had shamed myself.Get out of here. I wished Nico were here. Red-crossed soldiers stormed through the streets. dead. not some trumped-up duke or king in crested mail and armor sitting imperiously atop a massive charger. And my regiment. then head directly for it. It is your lord. So did my urge to resist. He lunged. At the total ridiculousness of it all. and turns down the road until he arrives at an old stone church marked St. in my lord's name. the boy strung up on that wheel could be our own. their skin blistered from the touch of the metal. I could deal with the harshness of laws and taxes and the wrath of our lord.The longer the horrible siege went on.Nothing lay in our path toward the Holy Land except the Moslem stronghold of Antioch.The massive Turk. I noticed her peeking at a rehearsal. and who can blame him? We've marched a long way.. I reached for Robert and pulled the boy toward the mountain's face. towns scorched and plundered dry. alwaysnear.I pressed Robert up against the wall.There's one more thing. He blinked at me. we passed through Veille du P?re. laughter had entered my soul. Laughter that had somehow touched the Turk. The smallest hope flashed through me: maybe I could whack it across his ankles. even before the sun. Guillaume turned around and waved. cool nave of the church than I heard a cry of anguish coming from the front. On my word.The longer Antioch survived.THE TURK'S SWORD hovered over me. raiders. Red-crossed soldiers stormed through the streets. There was no way to defeat this horrible monster. It was impossible to tell if they were Christian or Turk. The man staggered. Free of my illusions. One of the ram carriers went down. Those that stopped to attend to them were engulfed in the same boiling liquid themselves. Father? Is this what you expect from the Pope's protection? He lowered the wheel again and the small boy disappeared. My body lit with her warmth. grumbling about what the hell was going on. Here. I knew he would be able to interpret it. a thin band of beech wood painted with flowers.In a flash he was gone. carts overladen with supplies. to leave her this way. The strangest urge overcame me. A sea of body parts. trails more nerve wracking than the last. Peter's we signed up for. That night.The nobles pushed us hard. No great loss. lightweight cottons and silks. I swiped a sunflower and went up to her. Professor.In Caesarea. I handed him a stick that would be good for walking. Fresh-faced and chattering. Robert took his place. the mistress of a cleric who could no longer hide my presence.. And I had protected him.Along the way. Then I saw his expression relax into the slightest inkling of a smile. Hugh.At first. maybe four feet long. It made us realize even more that they would not easily give in. like nothing I had ever seen before.She moved with me in perfect rhythm. to watch over us.. but now I hacked and slashed at anything that moved as if I had been bred solely for it. a solid wooden barrier the height of three men.And beyond that. he shouted to Raymond.Each year when we returned.The trail we walked was flat and manageable. what do you see?What do I see? Either the holiest army I've ever seen or the dumbest. She hurried to the table by the hearth.He was just a boy. and hacked away at the first wave of horsemen.I dragged him from the wall and we ran with all our might. you will need it all the more. I told him.thirty. Churches have been burned and looted. pinning the staff uselessly under his sandal.. March. Seeing his comrades slain. and the treasures I might find on the Crusade. and an abbess answers. something told me I could no longer live like this. something told me I could no longer live like this.. Every house in the village had been burned or sacked. slaughtering infidels and hoarding all the spoils.THE FEW SURVIVORS HUDDLED AROUND fires that night. sucking the air out of my belly.. She stood there.Where are these nuns whenI am in need? a soldier behind me moaned.Then I knelt beside Robert. our burden had seemed bearable.March. our liege lord. The knight did his best. It was said they were disgraced knights who followed a secret lord and had taken vows of poverty until they could buy back their favor in God's eyes. missing me by the width of a blade. grinning. something. in a way I was proud. I will be looking especially foryourtax payment. I looked down. a diminutive Spaniard with a large hooked nose. They were snooping for signs that Baldwin's own subjects had taken up the Cross. But instead of attacking Moslem horsemen streaking . Consider your tax raised. whatever gibberish might divert him.Infidels unlucky enough not to be killed on the field of battle were handed to them like scraps to a dog. carrot-top? The glowering knight turned. given to them at a young age when my mother died. Men fell.In front of us a young woman ran out of a burning house. Norcross nodded. Norcross jeered. mock waving. A slide of rock and gravel hurtled down at us. Many felt the nobles had themselves a meal at Robert's expense. Another knight galloped into the water and waded out to the spot.Twenty. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. I waited for the death blow. hooded eyes that flashed only a sliver of light. The singing stopped.But just as the man's spear was inches from my throat. All around us. I love you. Even us.. dead. I noticed her peeking at a rehearsal..Their presence here could only signal harm. Every house in the village had been burned or sacked. realizing how close we had come to death.The boy's back was turned. do not defame those who now fight for God's glory. six thousand strong. wielding the dagger that was still covered with the priest's blood.Without my noticing it at first. That bird had walked across Europe with him! Many felt our luck had run out along with hers. Begging to God.It was all lies. I saw that Civetot was smoking like burning cinders. either pierced or rolling on the ground trying to smother the flames on their bodies.As we entered the town there were corpses everywhere. Fields that were once milk and honey now lie spattered with the blood of Christian sacrifice. you won't be missing this one too much.A stirring rose in me. screaming. black slaves from Africa. we quietly crept back within sight of the city walls.The Bosporus . when a raiding party from our lord's rival in Digne swept through town during the wars. Can't it wait. Oh... Blood spurted from their faces. I muttered. gnashing their teeth as if they wanted to devour the enemy alive. I heard the sound of bones cracking. If this was it. literally roasting in their armor. Brigit. . I thought we would live out our lives together. All the cattle and oxen had been butchered; even the dogs had been eaten. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. The useless wooden staff fell from his hand. toward the mill.Let's go ! the nobles shouted. and thin. who instructs him. Georges said.I was heading home to Sophie. It was never known what became of her. Jesus. Narrow passes. I saw that Civetot was smoking like burning cinders. In Antioch.Was this possible? Was it possible that in the midst of this carnage I had found a soul kindred to my own? I looked into his eyes: this beast that only a moment before was set to chop me in two. But soon we understood it was not embarrassment but the weight of Guillaume's armor that was preventing him from pulling himself up. Buildings were torched. poured into heaps of dung like spoiled wine. as was my vow.. you will need it all the more. The men boasted once again of how many Turks they would slay in the coming fight. the trails began to widen. my sword flew out of my hands.On the outskirts.In battle. but there was little to find amusing.. grammar. I did not know where I would go. There was a traitor inside Antioch. their chargers snorting heavily. fixed on my shock of bright red hair. Sophie. his white hair and beard billowing in the draft. Children ran out and danced around the approaching monk. He hides in his hole like a are here for God's work . but my legs seemed rooted to the ground. I knew she valued it more than anything in her life.Tafur. I have something important to talk to you about.THE WORD SPREAD like fire from battalion to battalion.I was right... I had earned this much. Thanks.At first. pieces of shit. I remarked to Robert. wielding the dagger that was still covered with the priest's blood. Mouse called to me. Just like when we were children.. Everyone pointed at a walled city nestled into the isthmus's edge. and hacked away at the first wave of horsemen. He went and cupped the face of the cowering boy in his massive hand. but in his full battle gear and on unsteady footing he couldn't hold the mount. Professor. our liege lord. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. Then the devils moved on to us.. New aromas entranced me.I stood. as another interminable valley loomed before our eyes. I stood my ground in front of the boy and met the rider with my sword square on.' it reads. perhaps sixty yards wide. Are you ready.' everyone cheered. Her golden hair down to her waist.I struggled to my feet.This is your last warning. he called. Cluny Le Puy reciting our irreverent songs. heavy rocks and fiery arrows rained down on us. to watch over us.Raymond ordered the army to break camp. a teasing rhyme:A maiden met a wandering manIn the light of the moon's pure cheer. Jean the smith. I felt her thin body tremble in my arms.Sophie and I watched as the column began to cross the stone bridge on the outskirts of our town. That night. I heard the loudest chorus of voices. it looks old. nonsense. he lowered the wheel again. I stammered. And the second. to pick sunflowers for you. my legs seemed ready to comply. And there was nothing in its place. when a raiding party from our lord's rival in Digne swept through town during the wars. Nico's trick had worked.Marie screamed and Georges began to sob. then pointed east.Then Norcross's face split into an amused smile. with red crosses either painted or sewn onto plain tunics. grammar. but so was I. Infidels. A mere stumble. loomed over me. wildly gasping for air.Go. Sophie handed me my pouch..He grinned sheepishly. I did my best to try to cheer other men up. his reputation as a seer suffered.You probably thought you were ridding the world of a complete madman. Every next man clutching at his limbs and throat. and said.To my surprise. surely the coming battles could test us no more than what we had already faced. It was all that kept him from plunging to his death. It was a slaughter. Sophie sniffed. I had no fealty to this priest.I am not! You mustn't think that. Other than the inn. And the vermin had told me I was free. I raised my sword.. most of all. Reach up your other hand. I staggered around. he seemed to grow.She moved with me in perfect rhythm.I am called Peter the Hermit. Isn't that right.I knew it. confused. realizing how close we had come to death. Norman.My regiment went on. It was all that kept him from plunging to his death. I was twice the boy's size. to Toulouse..Sophie lifted her head and kissed me. I bent down to pick up the shiny object and could not believe it. Something from this moment that I would have for the rest of my life. And it was vast-thousands of them! Not fitted out with armor or uniforms.THE TURK'S SWORD hovered over me. who farmed a plot by the river. how to read and write. another charge? Weary and frightened soldiers around me moaned in disbelief. Marie. carrot-top? The glowering knight turned. They were the light of the moon's pure cheer. Robert among them.Off in the distance the gray outline of hills narrowed to a sliver of shining blue. loomed over me.We spotted red crosses painted everywhere. like an eighth-moon. like a jig.. an old Greek.Sanctum Christi. Beside her was the miller's wife. in full armor. you say. We continued to climb. I will be looking especially foryourtax payment.The longer the horrible siege went on. cursing him in their tongue. marching through Veille du P?re!Butwhat an army! More of a rabble. On my word. I finally staggered up the steep stone steps in a fit of rage. Norcross held it for a moment. and even more than that.For once. I always did.Hugh . From behind..I know not exactly what went through my mind as. past the fires to the edge of the camp. he shouted back.The despicable knight laughed at our priest.All at once. actually. Anything might happen. either pierced or rolling on the ground trying to smother the flames on their bodies. his knights began to fan out through town. That is the blood of your useless Savior.Nico. Hortense disappeared. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. I motioned with my eyes for them to stay clear of Norcross and his thugs. I finally staggered up the steep stone steps in a fit of rage. but as we got closer. searching for archers or pitch. Free of my illusions. Freedom.From out of the trees. don't you. The talk. Hugh? Robert moaned. From above. He had joined the quest as a translator. men and women; some carrying axes and mallets and old swords. I stood paralyzed. The rows of red crosses sent a shiver right through me. but I stayed behind. in hues of crimson and purple I had never seen. who had sneaked into our ranks one day as we passed through Apt.I placed the scabbard in my pouch. the Saracen rider had fallen off. unsure look. The men boasted once again of how many Turks they would slay in the coming fight.. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller.I looked at Robert. God did protect us after all. Matt. simply bowed their heads and wept. kicking and screaming. . Norcross took a hemp rope and. either cheering or laughing at his attempt to show off in front of royalty. thoughts of treasure and spoils seemed alive and real. one of the nobles in charge. Do we finally get to pay them back?Sharpen that knife. fell away from me. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. Robert said as we the light of the moon's pure cheer.A hundred yards. I saw a cross. Goodness. I felt my soul spring alive. It is blasphemy. a sudden rock slide.But the satchel slid out of my grasp. a hazel twig to clean my teeth. We know. So did my urge to resist. Men simply dropped as they marched. we grew to hate and curse. Each town we got to was scorched and empty.THE MORNING OF THE DAY I was to leave was bright and clear. What did flash through my brain was the incredible irony of it all. Robert said as we marched.I guess we'll both be men. I had no fealty to this priest. `We'll be in Jerusalem by summer. and said. A bearded knight helped him slide off. too exhausted to celebrate. On the fate of your soul. A left at the next ridge and we should seeRome. What a glorious adventure awaited.I don't know.As we fled. It was a host of lies. I yelled. maybe four feet long. His small jaw hung open. their long. he and the goose were great companions to us. A volley of arrows shot back from the towers in return.. don't worry. I said.WE CAME TO A HIGH RIDGE overlooking a vast bone-white plain and there it was. hastily putting on his boots. If there's fighting. I know the same sobering thought pounded through each of our minds. Roman ruins and temples. horsemen at their tails. My heart went out to him. Maybe the language of the Jews. It was broken only by Aim?e's whimpers as she emerged weak-kneed from the mill.Nicodemus grasped for the rope. someone commented. Kill the pagans and sit with the Lord in Heaven. clutching at their heads and throats. howled in anguish. Are you ready to give up?Then I burst out laughing once again. Soldiers fell to their knees and moaned. He spent many hours on the march teaching it to me.mapmakers. God will reward you. Some puked and turned away. my sword flew out of my hands. they ripped a bronze bracelet from her wrist and bludgeoned her lifeless. And later. we continued along the ridge and down the narrow trail. Free of my illusions. but where I'm headed a woman's comb may be looked at strangely. I snuggled into the smooth curve of her back. There was a traitor inside Antioch. so lacking in all provision. and looked toward me. then fight for the glory of your liege when called upon.As we waited for the word. Norcross smiled. Raymond and Baldwin are aligned. I stammered. buckling to their knees.What is it? Robert asked. Jerusalem!TELL US A STORY. knocking him off his post and flush against the wall just as a sulfurous black wave engulfed his ram-mates. At first I thought it was just slaughtered livestock.The three years we'd been married had been the happiest I had known. thrusting his knife into the Turk's chest. bouncing over the edge into oblivion. Hardened knights fled terror stricken back to camp. and from within. torsos naked and disemboweled.Why don't we see what his protection is truly worth. Sheep. another tax levied upon us. was of treasure and glory.Suddenly the assault turned into a rout.She had nearly drifted off to sleep. Frank. followed by a cloud of gravel and dust. The useless wooden staff fell from his hand.God . masons. God will watch over me. freedom. he said for all to hear. No one had ever seen anything like it before. It appeared to be gilded with gold and it was studded with what looked like rubies.. `and consider yourself properly screwed!'Laughter broke out from all around.. my friend; we are too few as it is. From that moment on. their skin blistered from the touch of the metal.Many knights sank to their knees in prayer. Each town we got to was scorched and empty.!Son of Mary. A peddler with a cart was considered an event here. Anything might happen.How could I leave her? How could I be such a fool?You'll come back.Sophie sat me. a buttress of gray rock thirty feet tall.

Brigit. Nicodemus. the size of two men. Here I . our ranks were being shredded.I looked at Robert. Beside her was the miller's wife.Let's go ! the nobles shouted. they run like grandmothers.And the people.From out of the trees.It was the greatest multitude I had ever seen! Jammed along the narrow road into town. I was prepared to say anything. A full minute passed before the new rider was able to reach the area. do you not?Norcross leaned against the wheel for the longest time. we continued along the ridge and down the narrow trail. `What may we do for you. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. simply bowed their heads and wept. Sophie. As I knelt beside him his eyes grew cloudy. No one around can do the tricks I do.. or offal.

But then I felt Sophie's hand pressing on mine. My heart went out to him. and juggling for the crowds. I turned and took a long last look at the inn.Somehow they knew. You must let go. urged by His Holiness Urban to lead an army of believers to the Holy Land to free the holy sepulchre from the heathen hordes. his military chief.He peered over the edge and swallowed. My heart went out to him. The other infidel turned. We said good-bye to Constantinople. His small jaw hung open. bearing the knight in full chain mail. In the next breath I was on the ground. All around us.Nico.To my surprise. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. In her clutched fist. And at the head of this assemblage. I said to him. From that moment on. You saw what happened today..

all the young who had so eagerly signed up. As I knelt beside him his eyes grew cloudy. daylight darkened. Hugh.'She leads him through a series of dark. slapping one another on the back... I heard the sound of bones cracking.. brave souls? The monk reached out his arms. a heralded fighter. God will reward you. then let it be.The nobles pushed us hard. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. Nico. I will be back. another survivor recounted. He hides in his hole like a squirrel...You probably thought you were ridding the world of a complete madman. They were not wearing crosses but filthy robes.

and she said that I probably had one in every town. I bade farewell to my sweet Sophie..Shouts of acclamation rose throughout the square. word had reached us of the Pope's call. I think the duke's point is adequately driven home. Th-the thing is... All the cattle and oxen had been butchered; even the dogs had been eaten. I felt I had shamed myself.Get out of here. I wished Nico were here. Red-crossed soldiers stormed through the streets. dead. not some trumped-up duke or king in crested mail and armor sitting imperiously atop a massive charger. And my regiment. then head directly for it. It is your lord. So did my urge to resist. He lunged. At the total ridiculousness of it all. and turns down the road until he arrives at an old stone church marked St. in my lord's name. the boy strung up on that wheel could be our own.

their skin blistered from the touch of the metal. I could deal with the harshness of laws and taxes and the wrath of our lord.The longer the horrible siege went on.Nothing lay in our path toward the Holy Land except the Moslem stronghold of Antioch.The massive Turk. I noticed her peeking at a rehearsal. and who can blame him? We've marched a long way.. I reached for Robert and pulled the boy toward the mountain's face. towns scorched and plundered dry. alwaysnear.I pressed Robert up against the wall.There's one more thing. He blinked at me. we passed through Veille du P?re. laughter had entered my soul. Laughter that had somehow touched the Turk. The smallest hope flashed through me: maybe I could whack it across his ankles. even before the sun. Guillaume turned around and waved. cool nave of the church than I heard a cry of anguish coming from the front. On my word.The longer Antioch survived.THE TURK'S SWORD hovered over me. raiders.

Red-crossed soldiers stormed through the streets. There was no way to defeat this horrible monster. It was impossible to tell if they were Christian or Turk. The man staggered. Free of my illusions. One of the ram carriers went down. Those that stopped to attend to them were engulfed in the same boiling liquid themselves. Father? Is this what you expect from the Pope's protection? He lowered the wheel again and the small boy disappeared. My body lit with her warmth. grumbling about what the hell was going on. Here. I knew he would be able to interpret it. a thin band of beech wood painted with flowers.In a flash he was gone. carts overladen with supplies. to leave her this way. The strangest urge overcame me. A sea of body parts. trails more nerve wracking than the last. Peter's we signed up for. That night.The nobles pushed us hard. No great loss. lightweight cottons and silks. I swiped a sunflower and went up to her.

Professor.In Caesarea. I handed him a stick that would be good for walking. Fresh-faced and chattering. Robert took his place. the mistress of a cleric who could no longer hide my presence.. And I had protected him.Along the way. Then I saw his expression relax into the slightest inkling of a smile. Hugh.At first. maybe four feet long. It made us realize even more that they would not easily give in. like nothing I had ever seen before.She moved with me in perfect rhythm. to watch over us.. but now I hacked and slashed at anything that moved as if I had been bred solely for it. a solid wooden barrier the height of three men.And beyond that. he shouted to Raymond.Each year when we returned.The trail we walked was flat and manageable. what do you see?What do I see? Either the holiest army I've ever seen or the dumbest.

She hurried to the table by the hearth.He was just a boy. and hacked away at the first wave of horsemen.I dragged him from the wall and we ran with all our might. you will need it all the more. I told him.thirty. Churches have been burned and looted. pinning the staff uselessly under his sandal.. March. Seeing his comrades slain. and the treasures I might find on the Crusade. and an abbess answers. something told me I could no longer live like this. something told me I could no longer live like this.. Every house in the village had been burned or sacked. slaughtering infidels and hoarding all the spoils.THE FEW SURVIVORS HUDDLED AROUND fires that night. sucking the air out of my belly.. She stood there.Where are these nuns whenI am in need? a soldier behind me moaned.Then I knelt beside Robert.

our burden had seemed bearable.March. our liege lord. The knight did his best. It was said they were disgraced knights who followed a secret lord and had taken vows of poverty until they could buy back their favor in God's eyes. missing me by the width of a blade. grinning. something. in a way I was proud. I will be looking especially foryourtax payment. I looked down. a diminutive Spaniard with a large hooked nose. They were snooping for signs that Baldwin's own subjects had taken up the Cross. But instead of attacking Moslem horsemen streaking . Consider your tax raised. whatever gibberish might divert him.Infidels unlucky enough not to be killed on the field of battle were handed to them like scraps to a dog. carrot-top? The glowering knight turned. given to them at a young age when my mother died. Men fell.In front of us a young woman ran out of a burning house. Norcross nodded. Norcross jeered. mock waving.

A slide of rock and gravel hurtled down at us. Many felt the nobles had themselves a meal at Robert's expense. Another knight galloped into the water and waded out to the spot.Twenty. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. I waited for the death blow. hooded eyes that flashed only a sliver of light. The singing stopped.But just as the man's spear was inches from my throat. All around us. I love you. Even us.. dead. I noticed her peeking at a rehearsal..Their presence here could only signal harm. Every house in the village had been burned or sacked. realizing how close we had come to death.The boy's back was turned. do not defame those who now fight for God's glory. six thousand strong. wielding the dagger that was still covered with the priest's blood.Without my noticing it at first.

That bird had walked across Europe with him! Many felt our luck had run out along with hers. Begging to God.It was all lies. I saw that Civetot was smoking like burning cinders. either pierced or rolling on the ground trying to smother the flames on their bodies.As we entered the town there were corpses everywhere. Fields that were once milk and honey now lie spattered with the blood of Christian sacrifice. you won't be missing this one too much.A stirring rose in me. screaming. black slaves from Africa. we quietly crept back within sight of the city walls.The Bosporus . when a raiding party from our lord's rival in Digne swept through town during the wars. Can't it wait. Oh... Blood spurted from their faces. I muttered. gnashing their teeth as if they wanted to devour the enemy alive. I heard the sound of bones cracking. If this was it. literally roasting in their armor. Brigit.

. I thought we would live out our lives together. All the cattle and oxen had been butchered; even the dogs had been eaten. pulling along the animal behind it to which it was tied.. The useless wooden staff fell from his hand. toward the mill.Let's go ! the nobles shouted. and thin. who instructs him. Georges said.I was heading home to Sophie. It was never known what became of her. Jesus. Narrow passes. I saw that Civetot was smoking like burning cinders. In Antioch.Was this possible? Was it possible that in the midst of this carnage I had found a soul kindred to my own? I looked into his eyes: this beast that only a moment before was set to chop me in two. But soon we understood it was not embarrassment but the weight of Guillaume's armor that was preventing him from pulling himself up. Buildings were torched. poured into heaps of dung like spoiled wine. as was my vow.. you will need it all the more. The men boasted once again of how many Turks they would slay in the coming fight.

the trails began to widen. my sword flew out of my hands.On the outskirts.In battle. but there was little to find amusing.. grammar. I did not know where I would go. There was a traitor inside Antioch. their chargers snorting heavily. fixed on my shock of bright red hair. Sophie. his white hair and beard billowing in the draft. Children ran out and danced around the approaching monk. He hides in his hole like a are here for God's work . but my legs seemed rooted to the ground. I knew she valued it more than anything in her life.Tafur. I have something important to talk to you about.THE WORD SPREAD like fire from battalion to battalion.I was right... I had earned this much.

Thanks.At first. pieces of shit. I remarked to Robert. wielding the dagger that was still covered with the priest's blood. Mouse called to me. Just like when we were children.. Everyone pointed at a walled city nestled into the isthmus's edge. and hacked away at the first wave of horsemen. He went and cupped the face of the cowering boy in his massive hand. but in his full battle gear and on unsteady footing he couldn't hold the mount. Professor. our liege lord. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. Then the devils moved on to us.. New aromas entranced me.I stood. as another interminable valley loomed before our eyes. I stood my ground in front of the boy and met the rider with my sword square on.' it reads. perhaps sixty yards wide. Are you ready.' everyone cheered.

Her golden hair down to her waist.I struggled to my feet.This is your last warning. he called. Cluny Le Puy reciting our irreverent songs. heavy rocks and fiery arrows rained down on us. to watch over us.Raymond ordered the army to break camp. a teasing rhyme:A maiden met a wandering manIn the light of the moon's pure cheer. Jean the smith. I felt her thin body tremble in my arms.Sophie and I watched as the column began to cross the stone bridge on the outskirts of our town. That night. I heard the loudest chorus of voices. it looks old. nonsense. he lowered the wheel again. I stammered. And the second. to pick sunflowers for you. my legs seemed ready to comply. And there was nothing in its place. when a raiding party from our lord's rival in Digne swept through town during the wars. Nico's trick had worked.Marie screamed and Georges began to sob.

then pointed east.Then Norcross's face split into an amused smile. with red crosses either painted or sewn onto plain tunics. grammar. but so was I. Infidels. A mere stumble. loomed over me. wildly gasping for air.Go. Sophie handed me my pouch..He grinned sheepishly. I did my best to try to cheer other men up. his reputation as a seer suffered.You probably thought you were ridding the world of a complete madman. Every next man clutching at his limbs and throat. and said.To my surprise. surely the coming battles could test us no more than what we had already faced. It was all that kept him from plunging to his death. It was a slaughter. Sophie sniffed. I had no fealty to this priest.I am not! You mustn't think that.

Other than the inn. And the vermin had told me I was free. I raised my sword.. most of all. Reach up your other hand. I staggered around. he seemed to grow.She moved with me in perfect rhythm.I am called Peter the Hermit. Isn't that right.I knew it. confused. realizing how close we had come to death. Norman.My regiment went on. It was all that kept him from plunging to his death. I was twice the boy's size. to Toulouse..Sophie lifted her head and kissed me. I bent down to pick up the shiny object and could not believe it. Something from this moment that I would have for the rest of my life. And it was vast-thousands of them! Not fitted out with armor or uniforms.THE TURK'S SWORD hovered over me.

who farmed a plot by the river. how to read and write. another charge? Weary and frightened soldiers around me moaned in disbelief. Marie. carrot-top? The glowering knight turned. They were the light of the moon's pure cheer. Robert among them.Off in the distance the gray outline of hills narrowed to a sliver of shining blue. loomed over me.We spotted red crosses painted everywhere. like an eighth-moon. like a jig.. an old Greek.Sanctum Christi. Beside her was the miller's wife. in full armor. you say. We continued to climb. I will be looking especially foryourtax payment.The longer the horrible siege went on. cursing him in their tongue. marching through Veille du P?re!Butwhat an army! More of a rabble. On my word.

I finally staggered up the steep stone steps in a fit of rage. Norcross held it for a moment. and even more than that.For once. I always did.Hugh . From behind..I know not exactly what went through my mind as. past the fires to the edge of the camp. he shouted back.The despicable knight laughed at our priest.All at once. actually. Anything might happen. either pierced or rolling on the ground trying to smother the flames on their bodies. his knights began to fan out through town. That is the blood of your useless Savior.Nico. Hortense disappeared. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. I motioned with my eyes for them to stay clear of Norcross and his thugs. I finally staggered up the steep stone steps in a fit of rage. but as we got closer. searching for archers or pitch.

Free of my illusions. Freedom.From out of the trees. don't you. The talk. Hugh? Robert moaned. From above. He had joined the quest as a translator. men and women; some carrying axes and mallets and old swords. I stood paralyzed. The rows of red crosses sent a shiver right through me. but I stayed behind. in hues of crimson and purple I had never seen. who had sneaked into our ranks one day as we passed through Apt.I placed the scabbard in my pouch. the Saracen rider had fallen off. unsure look. The men boasted once again of how many Turks they would slay in the coming fight.. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller.I looked at Robert. God did protect us after all. Matt. simply bowed their heads and wept. kicking and screaming.

. Norcross took a hemp rope and. either cheering or laughing at his attempt to show off in front of royalty. thoughts of treasure and spoils seemed alive and real. one of the nobles in charge. Do we finally get to pay them back?Sharpen that knife. fell away from me. Norcross's sword jangled as he made his way to the frightened miller. Robert said as we the light of the moon's pure cheer.A hundred yards. I saw a cross. Goodness. I felt my soul spring alive. It is blasphemy. a sudden rock slide.But the satchel slid out of my grasp. a hazel twig to clean my teeth. We know. So did my urge to resist. Men simply dropped as they marched. we grew to hate and curse. Each town we got to was scorched and empty.THE MORNING OF THE DAY I was to leave was bright and clear.

What did flash through my brain was the incredible irony of it all. Robert said as we marched.I guess we'll both be men. I had no fealty to this priest. `We'll be in Jerusalem by summer. and said. A bearded knight helped him slide off. too exhausted to celebrate. On the fate of your soul. A left at the next ridge and we should seeRome. What a glorious adventure awaited.I don't know.As we fled. It was a host of lies. I yelled. maybe four feet long. His small jaw hung open. their long. he and the goose were great companions to us. A volley of arrows shot back from the towers in return.. don't worry. I said.WE CAME TO A HIGH RIDGE overlooking a vast bone-white plain and there it was. hastily putting on his boots.

If there's fighting. I know the same sobering thought pounded through each of our minds. Roman ruins and temples. horsemen at their tails. My heart went out to him. Maybe the language of the Jews. It was broken only by Aim?e's whimpers as she emerged weak-kneed from the mill.Nicodemus grasped for the rope. someone commented. Kill the pagans and sit with the Lord in Heaven. clutching at their heads and throats. howled in anguish. Are you ready to give up?Then I burst out laughing once again. Soldiers fell to their knees and moaned. He spent many hours on the march teaching it to me.mapmakers. God will reward you. Some puked and turned away. my sword flew out of my hands. they ripped a bronze bracelet from her wrist and bludgeoned her lifeless. And later. we continued along the ridge and down the narrow trail. Free of my illusions. but where I'm headed a woman's comb may be looked at strangely. I snuggled into the smooth curve of her back.

There was a traitor inside Antioch. so lacking in all provision. and looked toward me. then fight for the glory of your liege when called upon.As we waited for the word. Norcross smiled. Raymond and Baldwin are aligned. I stammered. buckling to their knees.What is it? Robert asked. Jerusalem!TELL US A STORY. knocking him off his post and flush against the wall just as a sulfurous black wave engulfed his ram-mates. At first I thought it was just slaughtered livestock.The three years we'd been married had been the happiest I had known. thrusting his knife into the Turk's chest. bouncing over the edge into oblivion. Hardened knights fled terror stricken back to camp. and from within. torsos naked and disemboweled.Why don't we see what his protection is truly worth. Sheep. another tax levied upon us. was of treasure and glory.Suddenly the assault turned into a rout.She had nearly drifted off to sleep.

Frank. followed by a cloud of gravel and dust. The useless wooden staff fell from his hand.God . masons. God will watch over me. freedom. he said for all to hear. No one had ever seen anything like it before. It appeared to be gilded with gold and it was studded with what looked like rubies.. `and consider yourself properly screwed!'Laughter broke out from all around.. my friend; we are too few as it is. From that moment on. their skin blistered from the touch of the metal.Many knights sank to their knees in prayer. Each town we got to was scorched and empty.!Son of Mary. A peddler with a cart was considered an event here. Anything might happen.How could I leave her? How could I be such a fool?You'll come back.Sophie sat me. a buttress of gray rock thirty feet tall.

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